CallusVac Max

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Have beautiful feet this summer and don’t be afraid to wear sandals

With this electric file, you’ll be able to say goodbye to rough skin and care for your feet

If there’s one part of the body that we sometimes forget about, it’s our feet. Often, we don’t dedicate as much time to them as we do to, for example, our face or hands. But our feet are just as, if not more, important. That’s why this electric file can be a huge help.

Get your feet on point, free of callouses and cracked heels, before putting on those sandals

Ideal for people with sensitive feet. Visible results in just a few sessions. Very easy to use and clean

In the winter, we tend to neglect foot care, since our feet spend most of the time hidden away in socks and shoes, but when summer and hot weather arrive, everything changes, with pools, beaches, and sandals…

To get gorgeous, smooth, and soft feet, if you want the best results, it’s important to use the Callus Vac Max after each shower. This way, your skin will be more tender and easier to remove.

Very easy to use: once you turn it on, all you have to do is apply light pressure to your feet with the device’s head, to gradually remove callouses and dead skin. 

Easy to clean and powerful, with a rechargeable battery

Keep one in your car or your purse, or you could even leave one at the office to always have one on hand in case you need to get rid of foot and hand imperfections quickly and effectively.

One of the biggest advantages of this electric file, compared to others, is that you don’t have to worry about cleaning off all the dead skin you’ve removed. Thanks to its vacuum system, the device itself collects all the dead skin and stores it inside, allowing you to discard it in the trash easily whenever you want to, without losing any time.


Get rid of bothersome hard skin in a matter of seconds, and get feet that are perfectly cared-for and beautiful. 

Thanks to its vacuum system, the device itself collects the dead skin and stores it inside, allowing you to discard it in the trash easily whenever you want, without losing time.

Ideal for people with sensitive feet. Results are visible after just a few sessions. Very easy to use and to clean.

"Say goodbye to calluses and save money on expensive pedicures!"

Soft and smooth feet

Get soft and smooth feet with no effort, no pain, and 100% effectively!

Collects all the dead skin

Collects all the dead skin and stores it inside, allowing you to easily discard it in the trash whenever you want to, without losing time.

Rechargeable battery

Thanks to its rechargeable battery, you can use Callus Vac Max in any place or situation.

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